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Logistics Robots – 12 Reasons This Technology Is The Best For Operations And Customer Results

The business justification for logistics robots is now overwhelming. If you have a warehouse or eCommerce fulfillment center, it is time to act. Indeed, autonomous robots are what is primarily driving supply chain innovation today. Besides making business more competitive, robotics is reducing direct and indirect operating costs as well as increasing revenue. If you need a business justification for logistics robots, this article provides you 12 benefits for implementing robotics now versus later.

“The death knell for any enterprise is to glorify the past — no matter how good it was.”

Jeff Bezos

1. Logistics Robotics Enables Reliable 24 Hour X 7 Day A Week Up Time.

Logistics robots are designed to be reliable and efficient in their operations. As a result, you can have 24-hour, 7-day-a-week up time and improved performance. Further, robotics ensures that warehouses and fulfillment operations can continue to run smoothly and with minimal disruption. In turn, this allows companies to maximize productivity and provide better customer service. Ultimately, logistics operations can keep up with high order volumes and eliminate delays due to work stoppages or other distractions.

“We’re at the beginning of a golden age of AI. Recent advancements have already led to inventions that previously lived in the realm of science fiction — and we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible.”

Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos - logistics robots

2. Cooperative Robotics Enhances Productivity And Employee Satisfaction.

Logistics robots can dramatically improve employee productivity and satisfaction. This is because robotics automates tasks that are traditionally tedious and time-consuming. This includes low value, mundane, and repetitive tasks. As a result, this can lead to a healthier work environment and help to reduce burnout and fatigue.  Additionally, robotics enhances employee value by freeing them up to do more strategic, knowledge-based tasks.

“I predict that, because of artificial intelligence and its ability to automate certain tasks that in the past were impossible to automate, not only will we have a much wealthier civilization, but the quality of work will go up very significantly and a higher fraction of people will have callings and careers relative to today.”

Jeff Bezos

3. Logistics Robots Improves Accuracy And Reliability.

By automating tasks, logistics robots can reduce the risk of human error and improve the accuracy and reliability of tasks. Hence, this can lead to better customer service and reduced delivery times. For example, order fulfillment centers can minimize picking and packaging errors such as product mix-ups and damaged items during shipping.

“What’s dangerous is not to evolve, not to invent, not to improve the customer experience.”

Jeff Bezos

4. Robotics Automation Reduces Risk Of Injury.

The use of robotics can reduce the risk of injury to employees by automating certain tasks. Specifically, tasks that may be dangerous or require a lot of physical strength. Further, this can help to reduce costs associated with workplace injuries and ensure a safe working environment. For example, robots can take over hazardous jobs such as reaching tall shelves. As a result, robotics will reduce workplace injuries and lower workers comp costs.

5. Streamline Supply Chain Management By Using Logistics Robots.

By automating processes, logistics robots can help to streamline supply chain management and reduce costs associated with manual labor. In particular, this can help to make operations more efficient and improve customer service. Furthermore, supply chain operations become more reliable where management has less issues to resolve. For example, robots can handle higher order volumes, and managers have less issues to resolve such as employee turnover, sick days, and time off.

“… It has been a dream ever since people started, in the early days of science fiction, to have a computer you can talk to in a natural way and actually have a conversation with and ask it to do things for you, and that is coming true.”

Jeff Bezos

6. Logistics Robots Minimize Delivery Times.

Logistics robots can help to reduce delivery times. This is because robotics improve the speed of operations and reducing the risk of human error. Hence, this leads to better customer service and increased satisfaction. For example, robots can start working on a customer order as soon as the customer places the order. Additionally, robots will take less time to prepare a shipment error free. As a result, your operations can improve perfect order fulfillment rates and delivery speeds.

7. Supply Chain Robotics Increases Customer Satisfaction And Competitiveness.

Logistics robots can help to increase customer satisfaction and competitiveness. Specifically, this is done by reducing delivery times, improving accuracy, and providing a better overall customer experience. Indeed, your customer will benefit with faster, error-free delivery. With higher customer satisfaction, you also retain customers and get repeat business. Lastly, you can boost your brand by using robotics. This is because it is a big plus to your customers knowing you are using innovative technology to service them.

“What’s dangerous is not to evolve, not to invent, not to improve the customer experience.”

Jeff Bezos

8. Reduce Operating Costs Using Logistics Robots.

By automating processes, logistics robots can help to reduce operating costs. Obviously, this comes from reducing the need for manual labor. Hence, this leads to improved profitability and increased competitiveness. Surprisingly besides reduced labor costs, there are also opportunities to reduce lighting, heating, and cooling costs. For example, there can be over 30% savings for non-refrigerated warehouse operations. Additionally with robotics eliminating picking and packing errors, there is significant cost saving with returns, re-work, and re-ship of orders.

9. Logistics Robots Enable Scalability And Flexibility For Surges.

Logistics robots can enable companies to quickly scale up or down to meet customer demands. Thus, this can lead to improved customer service and reduced delivery times. Further, robots continue to get more adaptable and able to handle surges in order volumes. In particular, eCommerce companies can ramp up quickly and handle peak seasons with limited train-up of new staff.

10. Robotics Automation Enhances Data Analysis And Operational Improvements.

Logistics robots can provide real-time data analysis, which can be used to identify opportunities for operational improvements. In turn, this can lead to better customer service, increased efficiency, and cost savings. With robotics automation, your systems are collecting accurate, complete and timely data about your supply chain operations. Thus, supply chain managers are able to be more proactive with real-time data. Furthermore, they also can be continuously improving operations with complete, detailed operational data.

11. Logistics Robots Maximize Space Efficiency. 

Logistics robots can help you to maximize space efficiency by reducing the need for large storage areas. Hence, this can lead to a more efficient use of space and cost savings for businesses. In particular, picking robots require less space than human workers or forklifts. For example, a lightweight picking robot mounted on tracks allows for products to be stacked higher and requires less space to move product in and out of storage spaces.

12. AI Robotics Makes Feasible Micro-Warehouses That Are Closer To Customers. 

Logistics robots can help to make micro-warehouses feasible, reducing the need for large warehouses and enabling companies to store goods closer to customers. As a result, this can lead to reduced delivery times and improved customer service. With automated warehouses, storage space is maximized. Additionally, robotic storage and retrieval systems are getting more modular where they can be deployed in micro-warehouses with less than 2,000 square feet.

For more ideas and details on the benefits of logistics robots, see RobotsDoneRight’s Benefits Of Automating Logistics With Robots, Deloitte’s Using autonomous robots to drive supply chain innovation, and NY Engineers’ Benefits Of Using Picking Robots In The 3PL Industry.

Warehouse Robots – 7 Types Of Truly Revolutionary Smart Robotics That You Need To Know About

According to Gartner, by 2026, 75% of large enterprises that move products will be using smart robots in their warehouse operations. To explain in more detail, click here for info on the 7 different types of warehouse robots you can now find in supply chain operations.

For more information from Supply Chain Tech Insights, see articles on AI, data analytics, and robotics.

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